Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

So, it's a big Happy Thanksgiving today to our friends in the USA.

Now, dear Americans, over here we're not too sure what Thanksgiving actually is. We had a little discussion in the office and everyone agreed with me - they have to otherwise I sulk - that's it's probably something to do with saying thank you to those lovely Indians who let you live on their land and whose food you ate, shortly before you slaughtered them all.

It's a bit like at Christmas where we thank The Lord for giving us his son, Santa, who we could then duly murder (because he married the Easter Bunny, which is just wrong) and eat chocolate eggs in his memory come April, or possibly March, depending on when it happens to tie-in with a Pagan festival.

I did pose my assumptions to a friend of mine in New York, and he very kindly replied thus:

"You are, indeed correct. We Americans enjoy celebrating Massacres: The Indians, Jesus, Martin Luther King and the British (July 4th). What can you expect from a country where every man has a god-given right to a concealed weapon?"

So that's that cleared up then.

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