Thursday, March 01, 2007

Mojo Update

Damn it! I got home last night to find that someone had come to claim the mojo I had been incorrectly sent. Apparently it was supposed to go to Buck Angel. I did wonder why I was getting a strange tingling sensation where my womb should be.

The upshot is that the South African rugby player cancelled on us - something to do with jet lag - and then The Boyf decided to pull out of the sling-thing this Friday because he wants to get an early night! What the fuck is that all about?!

So there was I, looking forward to feeling utterly used by the end of the week, and instead I'll now just be home in my slippers drinking Horlicks. Harumph. Still, never mind, I have a mini-gig by Onetwo to go to tonight.


Concrete said...

I'll help :)

OMO said...

You'll help look for my mojo? Do you have an idea where it is?

Concrete said...

You can share some of mine ;) I've got loads.

OMO said...


My mojo completely failed me again at the weekend. At some point in the evening it pretended to go to the toilet and nipped off home, leaving me floundering with a Spanish Daddy.