Friday, March 23, 2007

OMO At The Movies: "Premonition"

I forsee... a mediocre film.

Quick review for you, film fans. Last night we went to see "Premonition", on the grounds that there wasn't anything else to see that we agreed on.

So, the plot goes like this (try to read this in an uninterested deadpan voice):

Oh no, my husband is dead.

Oh, actually he's alive.

Oh no, he's dead again.

Nope, alive again.


By the end of the film neither Sandra Bullock as the wife, nor either of the children, seemed to care much whether Julian McMahon was alive or dead. And if they didn't care, how were we to as an audience?

The premise is a good one: what would you do if you had a premonition and knew that your partner would be killed. How could you not interfere to stop it? But what if there were other factors that stayed your hand? Hardly original though, so the film tries to up the ante by giving us a disjointed timeline.

Trouble is that there are a few plot holes, and the film's not quite as clever as it likes to think (it tries for Memento but lands somewhere near Gothika). However, it's nicely shot (muted tones), the score's pretty, and Sandra tries valiantly to revive a comatose script.

At the end of the day, it's an ok film, I just wouldn't run out to see it. But on a wet autumnal Sunday it'll be perfect sit-on-the-sofa-under-a-duvet fair.

Have a good weekend, Dear Reader.

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