Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pink Flamingos

Sunday was "Gay Day" at London Zoo, an annual event where they force all the animals to bum each other for our enjoyment. I jest of course. It's actually an excuse to have some transvestites run about the zoo dressed as air stewardesses (no idea why) and have a gay brass band perform loads of cliched gay anthems (they were playing "Dancing Queen" as we wandered by). And of course you can't have lots of gays in one place without there being a ridiculous amount of cruising, this time in an unlikely environment such as in the reptile house or whilst watching the Pygmy Hippo have its lunch.

It turned out to be a lovely sunny day, so a little group of us (10 in all) descended on the zoo to gawp, stare and point, and to also have a look at the animals. Boom boom. It actually wasn't as gay as we thought it might be, and there was a definite lack of hotties to cruise. But who cares, the zoo gave good animal and we were thoroughly entertained by the meerkats, giant anteaters and the otters.

Afterwards, as ever, we ended up at the RVT for a dance where I was rapidly set upon by a hot Spanish tourist who was incredibly forward (which I like - but only when they're sexy, obviously) and seemed to have a thing for my fair hair and beard. I wasn't complaining. He was actually a real sweetheart and I wanted to keep him, but The Boyf wouldn't let me. He's such a kill-joy sometimes.

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