Thursday, September 18, 2008

Getting A Head

I had the good fortune, quite by coincidence, to meet a guy in a bar last week who was very high up in a foreign office of a well known company in the industry in which I work. And I mean VERY high up. Although he works for a different company to me we're intrinsically linked, and in fact it makes him my superior in certain respects. So meeting him in a bar was a bit of a surprise. What was more of a surprise was that he looks nothing like his photo on the internet, and now comes complete with a beard and a rather fit body. In short, he was a sexy little fucker, contrary to what I was expecting. Needless to say we hit it off and he ended up back at our house. HeHeHe. And what a dirty little bugger he turned out to be too. I shall never be able to go to one of his presentations again without blushing. Likewise he's banned me from any front rows/wearing anything slutty.

In other news, The Boyf is going away on a business trip in three weeks time, to Tucson, Arizona of all places. He's not looking forward to it. I am. He's not all that keen on flying, although he'd never let it stop him going anywhere. And obviously he's going to miss me and pine. He'll probably stop eating and his fur will fall out. Conversely I'm planning all sorts of stuff for that week. I'm having dinner parties, big club nights out, movies, museums, shopping, all sorts. It's to keep myself busy of course, otherwise I'd just sit at home in the dark with some gin. If I'm going to drink myself til I can't remember I might as well do it somewhere fabulous surrounded by beautiful people. I don't know how I'm going to cope, truly...

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