Wednesday, September 06, 2006

No Really, I'm Busy.

A few years ago I was regularly being dragged into an office and told to "Quieten it up a bit. Ok, ALOT". I was the office giggler you see. I was the same at school of course. A teacher once said to my Mum "Your son has the strange ability to be able to get all his own work done whilst simultaneously preventing anyone else from doing theirs", or words to that effect. It was an ability I prided myself on, and I have practised it throughout my working life as well as at school.

But not so long ago I realised that it was counter-productive. (Yes, it really has taken me til the age of 35 to come to this startling conclusion). I find that delegating a task to someone and then talking at them, only to find at the end of the day they they've not completed the task leaving me to do so, isn't really helping me. You're rolling your eyes and saying "No shit!" aren't you? So over the last few months I've been trying to be quiet. And you know what? People keep telling me to stop being moody. I shouldn't really complain when almost every day someone asks "What's the matter? You're ever so quiet". After all, I had up until recently made it my life's work to be disruptive, so it's no surprise that people can't accept I'm just doing my work.

Although of course actually I'm not; I'm writing this. It's a shame there's not a job where the sole requisite is to disrupt. If anyone knows of any such career please feel free to tell me.

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