Thursday, September 21, 2006

Bye Sam

The Boyf got a phone call early yesterday evening to say that his dog, Sam, needed to be put down. He'd had to leave him in the Midlands with family when he moved to London, but we still saw alot of him as we travel up quite regularly. Naturally The Boyf was really upset, and this morning he got up early and drove up to be with Sam when the vet arrived.

It's funny how little things can bring back memories, especially when you're already feeling a bit low. We were in Tesco's last night, after having seen "The Night Listener" at the cinema (more about that later). We'd had to skip dinner because of the early starting film and I hadn't managed to fill myself up with M&M's, so was feeling peckish and wanted something quick to warm up. I settled for a tin of ravioli (told you I was a bit common underneath, but hey! it was Heinz). The Boyf went for some grey looking soup, just so you know. Anyway, because the news about the dog had made me a little maudlin, as soon as I picked up the can of ravioli I suddenly found myself having to stifle back tears. When I was at junior school I lived just across the road from the school, and every lunchtime I'd go home to have something to eat. My Dad would always be there, as he used to do the same thing - pop home for lunch. My Mum at this time was working pretty much full-time so lunchtimes were just about me and my Dad. And almost every day I'd ask for the same thing - a tin of ravioli.

I'd not eaten tinned ravioli for quite some time. Being all grown-up and a little bit snobby I'd eschewed it in favour of the proper stuff. But last night, as I ate the tinned stuff I felt like a kid again, and I remembered how I'd sit with my Dad each lunchtime and how pleased he was to see me, and how we'd chat about this and that.

I've just had the call to say Sam's gone. So goodbye Sam. I hope that where you're going there are lots of fields to run in and cats to chase. And if you see my Dad (and somehow he understands barking) tell him I said thanks for those ravioli lunchtimes.

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