Thursday, September 28, 2006

Swivel And Snake

Good Lord, I've managed to get to Thursday without telling you about my weekend. Not that it was of particular interest, but I know how you like to hear all my sordid details. In fact there weren't any this weekend. We were terribly well behaved, which caused much furrowing of The Boyf's brow.

It was our 1st anniversary at the weekend, but it coincided with some friends of our coming over from New York, so we spent most of our time with them. Thus we didn't really get a chance just to have some time to ourselves to celebrate it. Hopefully we'll have a nice night out sometime this weekend; just some good food and a glass or two of wine.

Clubbing was good on Saturday, with good music and sexy guys in abundance. One guy was of particular interest, mainly due to him having an incredible swivelling hip. I've never seen someone walk or dance in quite such a fashion, or with quite such small steps. He walked like a geisha, or quite possibly an even more effeminate C3PO, and when dancing his top half seemed to be able to revolve independantly of his bottom half. And no, it wasn't because of the drugs I was on; a couple of other people remarked on it too. We coined him "The Incredible Articulated Queen". Not the most snappy of titles, but we'd been out all evening and barely knew our own names by then. Very handsome man though, and the swivelling did make me wonder what he'd be like in bed. Like trying to make love to a snake I reckon, which I wouldn't recommend. They're always too busy with their tongues. And they never call the next day.

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