Friday, September 08, 2006

I'm Not Single, Or A Trophy Holder

Well, I'm still "with boyf". I ended up squirming out of my place in Sports Day and went straight home to talk to The Boyf about "our little problem". It's kinda resolved, although I think it's gonna take him a few days to return to normal with me - he's a bit on the quiet side - and I think it's probably gonna take some months to claw back the ground I've lost, where his estimation of me is concerned. His biggest problem was that he said that I'd always been like a rock to him, and that he'd never had any cause to doubt or disbelieve me before. I would have felt exactly the same if it'd been me catching him out.

Anyway, I've learned a lesson, and hopefully no long-term harm has been done. Oh, and "my" team came second at Sports Day. Of course, I like to think that had I been there we would have lifted the winner's trophy (plastic cup) and popped the cork of a bottle of Cristal (Lambrusco). Actually, I prefer Lambrusco. Yes, my council roots are showing, as they did this morning when I told someone that I was going to Benjy's "cause they use marg' instead of butter". There was a stunned silence in the office. I couldn't tell the difference from the usual silence that pervades in my office these days, so left to get my toast.

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