Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hop, Skip and Thump

Oh crap! I'd forgotten something. For some strange reason I signed up for the works sports day, which takes place today. It seemed like a good idea when they asked me weeks ago, but within minutes I regretted it. Still, I did it last year and it was quite good fun. Apparently I'm down for the Space Hopper race, which should be amusing as I've not been on one for years. I'm hoping the technique is similar to sitting on a cock and then bouncing. I'll have to remember to keep my trousers on. General office feeling suggested I'd be good in the sack race.

I just hope no-one expects me to throw anything because I live up to every gay stereotype where ball games are concerned. I was always too interested in the other form of ball game to be any good at throwing and catching. And please don't ever ask me to kick a ball unless you want a window broken. Or your nose. Perhaps some teeth missing? Still, there's free food and drink, and I've bought along a bottle of poppers to liven it up a bit. Poppers won't show up in any random drug test, right?

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