Friday, January 26, 2007


My (homophobic) boss is talking to the team about his birthday next week...

Boss: So, I'm inviting you all down the pub next Friday lunchtime for a drink or two. I've booked a space outside from 12.45.

Employee: Outside? Won't it be a bit cold?

Boss: They have those heater things. Just wrap up warm. I don't want people complaining - either come down for a beer or go home.

OMO (smirking): Go home? Are you telling us we can go home rather than join you at lunchtime?

Boss (annoyed): No! You know perfectly well what I meant; you can either come down the pub or stay at work. As an Associate I would expect you not ask such silly questions.

OMO: Well as a Partner I'd expect you to actually think about what you're saying before you open your mouth for a change.

A deathly silence ensues.



Concrete said...

Oi! More on the homophobic boss - NOW!

OMO said...

Ok, I'll post something about him...