Thursday, January 11, 2007

Talking Bout A Resolution

Here at OMO Towers I've been desperately trying to think of some new year's resolutions which I can make and then break. I mean, that's the point, isn't it? So here, for your delectation, are things I'd like to do this year but probably won't.

1. Write a blog.

Er... (blink)

What I mean is, I want to write a blog where I'm not anonymous and can actually tell you EVERYTHING! Yeah, you should look worried. I'm trying to get The Boyf to come in with me on it, as he's far better at writing than me and I think it'll do him good to use his hands for something other than masturbating all evening. As long as it means he doesn't stop making my dinner everything should work out rather well.

2. Actually have a holiday that involves getting on a plane. 2005 was a good year; New York and San Fransisco. But last year fell a bit flat. We already have ski-ing in France booked for next month, but I want at least two other foreign holidays this year.

3. Swim with dolphins.

4. Learn to swim. Should help with No. 3.

5. Sleep with Bill Goldberg.

6. Get a new job.

7. Jump out of a plane. Preferably with a parachute.

8. Go to the gym properly and take it seriously, rather than the half-arsed work-outs I've been doing for the last year.

9. Sleep with my boss. He's homophobic. It'd be funny.

10. Learn a language. I'm thinking Spanish cause I did it at school for a bit and rather liked it.

11. Make my blog 20% funnier.

I do actually intend to keep most of these. Sleeping with both Bill Goldberg and my boss might prove tricky, but there's no harm in aiming high.

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