Tuesday, January 08, 2008

OMO's Review Of 2007: Pt.1

I have about 5 posts on the go at the moment, none of which I seem able to finish, so I thought I'd knock out something in parts so you can see I'm actually writing something, and not just being damn lazy.

And on with my first award - it's the "Worst Movie of the Year" and it goes to...

Spiderman 3.

In a year of poor movies this still wins hands down. No movie last year made me cringe quite so much as this one. It manages to absolutely ruin a perfectly good franchise with plot twists that negate huge parts of the first two films, it's too long and has too much going on, there are too many villains without the time to explore their motivations, and above all the CGI is absolutely woeful. I could have done better with some crayons. Blindfolded. On LSD. I just wish I'd walked out instead of wasting my time with it.

Now, let's move on to "Best Movie of the Year", which goes to...

er, none of them. I didn't see one film which I would highly recommend, which is probably because The Boyf and I only go to the cinema to watch popcorn fodder, rather than intelligent films (which we'd rather watch at home). If you want a good film rent "Perfume" on DVD, that's what I say.

In the next thrilling instalment we find out what my favourite music was in 2007. Coming soon...

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