Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas?

I'm in such a foul mood right now. The run up to Christmas has been one stressful experience after another, most of which seems to be down to The Boyf.

Yet again his car broke down, and we have a lot of travelling to do this weekend so can't do without it. He said he couldn't believe his luck and moped around. I countered that it's been going wrong for weeks - no, months - and that perhaps he should have thought about getting it fixed earlier. So he got The Drag Queen to flirt with a mechanic at the local garage and hey presto! has managed to get it booked in today as a favour.

Yesterday afternoon he went Christmas shopping. And lost his wallet. He loses something at least once a month. Fortunately - incredibly - it was handed in in a bar he'd been in for a de-stressing drink. By the time he came home he was still stressed about spending an hour looking everywhere for said wallet before finally being reunited with it. "Oh well, at least you have it back and nothing is missing" said I, thinking it was a good thing. "Yeah, but I didn't need that stress right now! And I know it was definitely in my pocket!", he bit my head off with. "So, someone lifted it from your pocket and then handed it in, without stealing anything?", I asked. That got me a dirty look and he sloped off to the bedroom.

This morning the car was due to be at the garage for 8:30. I was going to have to bump start it for him so waited for him to finally be ready to leave (8:20). Then he couldn't find his car keys. They were nowhere to be found, so he's obviously dropped them shopping somewhere. After 10 minutes of shouting and swearing at himself he found the spare. I loaned him my house keys with a "Please don't lose those though otherwise we'll be locked out". "I don't lose things on f**king purpose you know!" he shouted. And then I had the good fortune of pushing his car to get it to start and then being late for work, with him refusing to speak.

We still haven't bought Our Best Mates a present so I phoned The Boyf with a solution. One of his presents seemed to have gone missing in the post so I'd ordered another, then the first one turned up. I'm still waiting for the second although it doesn't look like it's going to be with us for Christmas. So I suggested to The Boyf that I give OBM's the one that has turned up and then he could have the second when it arrives. But oh no! He immediately went into a mood, "But that's the one present that I've been looking forward to, and now I'll have to watch someone else open it and I won't have one!". "How old are you?", I asked, "Because you're acting like a spoilt 8 year old". "Oh, give it to them then. It's spoilt now anyway", he said. I put the phone down on him. That was 5 minutes ago, hence my mood.

Tomorrow we have a long drive up to the Midlands to see his parents, who he always moans about having to see, so that's going to be a bundle of laughs. Last week I was really looking forward to Christmas, but right now I wish it was already over. I've gone from having a big pile of presents I'm really pleased with to just wanting it all to go away. Oh, I'll be ok by Tuesday, but next year there are going to be some changes in my relationship, you mark my words...

Anyway, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. Thank you for being such a wonderful audience (when I can be bothered to write anything).

1 comment:

Nick said...

Ah relationships at Christmas... they're hard enough at the best of times but December is always a nightmare. Have another sherry and mince pie and it will all be over soon. ;-)

Merry Christmas :-) xx