Thursday, November 01, 2007

In Which Your OMO Aims For "Funny" But Hits "Offensive"

So, I hope you all had a good All Hallow's Eve, and a Happy Samhain to all Pagans.

The Boyf and I, plus The Drag Queen and Our Best Mates headed to the RVT for a Hallowe'en Brou-Ha-Ha comedy evening, and many people had dressed up for the ocassion. Unfortunately my plans of going as "Kate McCann: Child Minder" had been twarted by not being able to find a Kate mask anywhere. Apparently I'm a wee bit premature and such masks aren't available. Just wait til next year, they'll be everywhere you wait and see.

In the end the lack of a Kate mask blew everything out of the water, and even a last ditch attempt to go as Heather McCartney (with one of us as her leg, lost and searching for it's owner) fell flat, so we stuck with our old favourites - a group of ghostly Chinese winkle pickers, forever stuck in mud and trying to reach land. Tasteful I'm sure you'll agree.

Oh, just for the record, the Brou-Ha-Ha joke competition question was:

Q: What's the difference between Heather McCartney and a broom?

There was a large number of very funny answers, but the eventual winner was:

A: A broom didn't have a spaz-attack on GMTV this morning.

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