Thursday, February 15, 2007

Cunning Bilinguist

Bonjour everyone. C'est moi ici pour your delectation.

Yes, I've just come back from France, and I'm now talking in a strange mixture of French and English, and any other foreign word that suddenly springs into my tiny head.

A real example (I'm trying to order a mulled wine and hot chocolate in a mountain bar): "Er... erm... oh, bonjour! Er... une glass of hot vin rouge, er... et une cup of hot chocolat.... por favor. Thank you". Fortunately everyone spoke English.

Look, what can I say, I'm very good with my mouth - you can ask practically any gay man with a beard in London - but my head can only contain one language at a time.

You'd notice, if you could see me, that I still have all my limbs and they're still all pointing in the direction they were before. Some of them are heavily bruised however, but that's got nothing to do with skiing, haha.

I will, no doubt, tell you all about our little foray into rural France, but I just wanted to say "Hi" and let you know I didn't die. In case you were worried.

You were worried, right?

Just a little?


Oh, balls!

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