Monday, September 17, 2007

A Real Lazy Bear

I'm very aware that I'm being totally crap with writing my blog at the moment, and I do apologise.

I have quite a little list of things to tell you about too. Let me see, there's...

1. San Francisco
2. How I hurt my arm
3. A Christening
4. A Wedding
5. London Zoo

Whilst I'm trying to compose the above topics into something readable, let me tell you about something little that happened last week.

We were doing a weekly shop the other day in a supermarket we don't often visit. On the way out a motorcycle courier was walking towards us in his leathers. Six feet tall, shaved head, goatee, sexy as fuck. The Boyf and I exchanged a glance, and as the guy walked past our eyes met, albeit briefly. We turned to check out his ass - like you do - and very nice it was too. He didn't turn round. No interest shown.

The next evening I was trawling the internet when I received a message on one of the better known bear chat sights. Yes, it was the courier asking whether it was me he'd passed in the supermarket, and telling me he had a package he'd like to deliver to me. Wink, wink.

And a very large package it was too...

I love this city.


Concrete said...

I hate you. Nothing like this happens to me.

OMO said...

Oh hush! You get your fair share, mister! More than, in fact.