Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Beginning

There's a certain sense of irony which hasn't been lost on me. Actually, perhaps irony is the wrong word.

Further to my last post I couldn't keep everything to myself any more, and finally plucked up the courage to talk to The Drag Queen about my little issue. In a way it was actually her who steered the conversation round, as she'd engineered us being on our own for 15 minutes whilst The Boyf looked after the dog at her house. Basically, she had obviously sensed something was wrong and was prying. I didn't mind; it allowed me to open up, albeit not entirely and with only a short time-frame to work within. But now she knows the gist of the issue, has told me not to ever worry about being disloyal or of testing her loyalties, and has said that we'll have a good talk soon. Interestingly she did say "Well, The Boyf talks to me about his side of your relationship problems". Hmmmm.

So finally I have someone to talk to about my relationship issues, although I don’t think I'll quite be telling her everything. Some of the details really must be kept to myself.

But then something else happened. Something out of left-field. Something which I don’t feel I can share with anyone at the moment, apart from The Boyf - I need time to think this through - and it's something which is making me re-evaluate certain aspects of my life.

All this has made me think about this blog, and what I wanted to write about and achieve from it. Rather obviously I've not been writing much of late, and although I feel like I may need to write some of my thoughts down, I don't want them to be here. I always wanted this blog to be light and I don’t want it to become something it wasn't intended to be. So perhaps I'll say goodbye now. Yes, actually I will. After 3 years and 261 posts it's time to go. But I think I'm going to reappear somewhere - see if you can find me. It's been fun, truly. Thank you, anyone who took time out to read or to comment.

Goodnight Gracie.

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