Monday, October 13, 2008


The Boyf's away for a week, so what do you think I've been doing?

Well, I can tell you what I HAVEN'T been doing - sleeping. I just can’t seem to drop off. If you read this post a while ago you'd already be familiar with my odd sleeping problem; I find it impossible to sleep without someone else in the bed. Now, I could play this to my advantage and use it as an excuse to tramp a succession of men into my home whilst The Boyf's away, but in actual fact I'm behaving myself. Mostly.

I decided to go to XXL on Saturday night, on my own for the first time in 3 years, and a very odd experience it was too. I was hit on the very moment I stepped in the door, but managed to fend the guy off even though he was very very cute. It was just too early to be thinking of such things. Luckily I wandered through to the other bar to find The Policeman Who Won't Stop Cumming and his husband, R, holding court, so spent much of the evening with them (whilst trying not to paw at TPWWSC too much, which seems to have become a habit recently).

As the evening progressed I got drunk, but not ridiculously so, and the cute guy I'd fended off earlier kept making his presence felt, to the extent that I ended up snogging him. Oops! Well, he was really cute. We then spent the next couple of hours dancing and chatting and snogging, before I decided enough was enough and headed off home. Shattered I fell into bed and… didn't go to sleep.

After about 6 hours of tossing and turning (which even the ever-present vaccuum cleaner couldn't quell) I got back up, got changed and wandered down the road to find The Drag Queen and a new neighbour of ours in a pub, after which we took the most random cab ride ever and ended up in the RVT.

Now, our new neighbour is a rugby player, and build-wise is more in the vein of a proper professional player than a who-ate-all-the-pies amateur. He's seriously buff, and is ruggedly handsome. Actually, that doesn't quite do him justice. He's actually a very lovely mixture of chiselled and battered, if that makes sense. Yesterday, fresh from a game, he was covered in bruises and little scars, which obviously made him even more attractive. I cooed and aaah at him, delicately touching his bruised forehead, so much so that he asked whether I'd like to see the rest of his battle scars. Er… Hello! So there was I, in the middle of the RVT, being given a guided tour of his chest and abs. The Drag Queen rolled her eyes at me, and I had to go outside for a bit to calm down.

Apart from that absolutely nothing happened, but to be honest that was quite enough anyway. We had a good dance and a few drinks and then I jumped in a cab home to get some much needed sleep. Except that I stayed awake til about 1am and then woke up again at 2 and couldn't get back off to sleep til sometime after 4. Today I'm pretty zombie-like and I'm not sure in what state I'll be by the time The Boyf gets back. If anyone has any good ideas on ways to make me sleep please let me know at the usual address at OMO Towers.

1 comment:

Nick said...

You need to start taking 5HTP supplements every night as it helps boost your natural levels of melatonin and serotonin. This helps you sleep, is a natural remedy for depression, and also helps relieve any chemical come-downs you might suffer from in the week. You can get it from Holland & Barretts - there's a special offer on it at the moment as well.