Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wigs n Tings

We're two weeks away from Puppy D-Day, so at the weekend we decided to go out and get everything that we'd need, at least for the first few weeks, and prepare the house. Or, as our friends have put it, we've "prepared the nursery for baby's homecoming". Our kitchen now looks like some canine adventure playground, and you can barely move without standing on a squeaky toy. Trying to get up in the night is now even more of an assault course, with random squeaking added to my usual walking into doors. So we have one more week of quiet at home, and then we have a week away with friends before returning home and picking up the puppy. And then all hell breaks loose as we contend with random pooing and peeing on the floor. Even more so than normal. Er...

In other news we're still not talking to OBM's. It's been over 5 weeks since we last spoke and I'm as annoyed now as I was back then. Actually, I'm probably even more annoyed. I have to say that from what we've heard (or haven't heard) they've been unusually quiet about the whole thing and haven't spoken about it with anyone, which is rather unlike them. (They have previous form of falling out with people, and every time have been extremely vocal in public about their grievances).

It's got to the point where I'm not interested in having them as friends again, should they decide to get in contact, although of course I'd talk to them and be civil. The argument was so petty, and their reaction so out of proportion, that I can't be bothered to even try to talk to them about it. It's just not worth the effort, and I don't need people in my life who can blow up like this.

The one friend I've spoken to about it thinks I should be grown-up about it and just call them, but actually I think I am being grown-up about it. When I was younger I would have tried to placate and find a resolution; now I'm too old for bothering with people who would do this sort of thing. Like I say, they have previous form for this sort of thing anyway, and I don't want to patch things up only for it to happen again further down the line. We had a fun friendship for a while, but it had it's day. I've recognised that and I'm moving on. What's not grown-up about that?

If this all sounds a bit bitter then I can assure you it isn't. As with all things in life I'm very philosophical about it, if a little annoyed.

Elsewhere, we headed to XXL (again!) on Saturday night and had a gay old time with the beautiful Iraqi and his lovely husbear. For reasons known only to them (which I think involves the fact that they like bears) two drag queens turned up in the most mahoossive wigs I've ever seen. And of course I ended up drunk enough to ask one if I could try their wig on. Cue hilarious photos of each of us in the wigs, which weighed a ton! Lord only knows how the poor things walk about in such huge heels and with such a weight bearing down on them. I tells ya, being that fabulous is all, like, hard!

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