Thursday, November 08, 2007

Uh Oh! Not Good News

No, I know - not pretty, is he. But that's not why I'm here.

This fella, Dear Readers, is the Reverend Joel Edwards, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance. He once wrote a paper on "Faith, Hope and Homosexuality" where he explored the relationship between Christianity and Homosexuality. It's conclusion was particularly good reading. For example:

"We call upon evangelical congregations to welcome and accept sexually active homosexual people, but to do so in the expectation that they will come in due course to see the need to change their lifestyle in accordance with biblical revelation and orthodox church teaching. We urge gentleness and patience in this process, and ongoing care even after a homosexual person renounces same-sex sexual relations."


"We commend the work of those organisations which seek to help homosexual Christians live a celibate life, and also commend those groups which responsibly assist homosexuals who wish to reorient to a heterosexual lifestyle."

Yeah, he's obviously a bit nuts. Naturally he's very against homosexual marriages.

Now, why am I introducing him to you, you may well be asking. Well, it's because he's just been appointed by our government as a commissioner to the new Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), which is an amalgamation of three previous UK equality commissions, being the Commission for Racial Equality, the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Disability Rights Commission.

Yes, he's been appointed to look into equality and human rights!

Very recently he campaigned against a proposal for a crime of incitement to violence on the grounds of sexual orientation, and has said his views on homosexuality will inform his new roll in the EHRC.

This is not good news.

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